About this chapter Chapter 16 establishes minimum design requirements so that the structural components of buildings are proportioned to resist the loads that are likely to be encountered In addition, this chapter assigns buildings and structures to risk categories that are indicative of their intended use The loads specified herein along with the required load combinations have beenGP30 Symbol RPK Symbol PKM Symbol RPG7V Symbol Command and Control Definition Platoon and Squad leaders are the first leaders who are legally and morally responsible for the fires and effects of their subordinates Exercising control of the direct fires is founded upon the concept of authority When given a mission leaders are given theM3(GP30) M3 characteristics 40mm, 350A, 150P, max range=400 M249 (RPK) M249 characteristics 556mm, B=, T=, max range=30 M240B (PKM) contain symbol contain a task in which a maneuver force attempts to stop, hold, or surround the forces of the enemy or causes the enemy to center activity on a given front and
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